online access

Deposit Rates*
Checking / APY
Share / APY
Money Market / APY
Health Savings / APY

Loan Rates as low as*
Used Auto APR
5-Year ARM / APR
Visa® Credit Card APR

ABA Routing Transit Number

ABA Routing Number Check Image
  • NCPAFCU ABA Routing Transit Number: 253184922
  • NCPAFCU Institution Number: 016
  • Sample Checking Account Number: 12345678

Electronic Debit from a Checking Account
  • Drafts may debit a checking account only.
  • Electronic drafts / debits must be established with the payee. Drafts cannot be established with the Credit Union.
  • Checking account numbers can be up to 8 digits; leading zeroes are not required. Checking account numbers, as they appear on physical checks, include a prefix of "016" which is not necessary to process electronic transactions and is only used when processing physical checks.

Electronic Credit to a Checking, Share, or Money Market Account
  • Checking account numbers can be up to 8 digits; leading zeroes are not required. Checking account numbers, as they appear on physical checks, include a prefix of "016" which is not necessary to process electronic transactions and is only used when processing physical checks.
  • Share account numbers must be 9 digits. Include any leading zeroes (sample: 000123456). Do not include the institution number.
  • Money market share accounts are coded as checking accounts. Account numbers can be up to 7 digits; leading zeroes are not required.

Electronic Credit to a CashPoints® Global Account
  • CashPoints Global account numbers must be 8 digits (sample: 12345678). Do not include the institution number.
  • CashPoints Global accounts are coded as checking accounts for Direct Deposit purposes.