online access

Deposit Rates*
Checking 0.15 / 0.15 APY
Share 0.50 / 0.50 APY
Money Market 2.50 / 2.53 APY
Health Savings 2.50 / 2.53 APY

Loan Rates as low as*
Used Auto 6.25 APR
5-Year ARM 5.500 / 5.745 APR
Visa® Credit Card 12.00 APR


Sign up via Press Pass to receive a variety of account and security notifications on your mobile device. Below is a description of each alert type offered by the Credit Union.

Security Alerts
The Credit Union continuously monitors Press Pass for potentially fraudulent transactions. Registration for Security Alerts will allow the Credit Union to notify you immediately on your mobile device if a suspicious transaction occurs.

One Time Passcode
As a more secure alternative to Security Questions, we offer the ability to have a One Time Passcode sent to your mobile device. During each security challenge, a unique code will be sent making this a more secure method of identity verification.

Account Alerts
Registration for Account Alerts will allow you to choose one or more alert types for each of your eligible deposit accounts. Account Alerts will notify you of elected activity on your NCPAFCU accounts such as:
  • Select a low balance and deposit threshold to help monitor your money spending
  • Monitor your debits/withdrawals when your indicated threshold amount is reached
  • Find out when your new e-statement is available
  • Be informed faster of Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) & Overdraft fees
Credit & Debit Card Alerts
Sign up to receive Credit Card Alerts and/or Debit Card Alerts to monitor your purchases and be notified quickly if there is any suspicious activity. Registering in the program is easy! Just enter a threshold amount and set up a Quiet Period1 if there are times you do not wish to receive card alert notifications.

For your added security, the credit union will not send specific account information through Alerts. The Credit Union will never ask for specific account information or send scam notifications via text message.

1Many utilities and other companies that enable members to set their account up for autopay run their transactions in the middle of the night. A quiet period can be setup to receive your card alerts at a time that is convenient for you.