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Preparing Your Own Taxes

For members who prefer to complete their own taxes, there are a variety of planning and filing resources to guide you through each step of tax return preparation.

  • TurboTax®: For members who prefer to complete their own taxes, planning and filing resources exist to guide you through the steps of tax return preparation. SECU works with Intuit® 1 to offer our members a discount2 of 20% on TurboTax® federal products. Visit the TurboTax website to file your taxes today.
  • IRS e-File: Electronically file your taxes using one of the IRS’s recommended services
  • IRS Free File: Free tax filing services, compliments of the IRS
  • Free Income Tax Assistance: Free tax assistance for qualified individuals
  • Miltax: A Department of Defense Program that generally offers free return preparation and e-filing software for all military members, with no income limit

1  Intuit, TurboTax, and TurboTax Online, among others, are registered trademarks and / or service marks of Intuit Inc.
2  Discount only valid when you access TurboTax products and services using the link above. The use of TurboTax is governed by Intuit’s applicable license agreements, user agreements, terms of service and other service terms, which you should review prior to using TurboTax. Intuit is not affiliated with State Employees’ Credit Union (SECU) or its affiliates. The link to TurboTax and the discount offer is provided as a convenience to you, and SECU bears no responsibility for your use of the service or product. Visit for TurboTax product guarantees and other important information. SECU makes no promises, guarantees or warranties regarding the information, services and software products provided by Intuit.