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Health Savings Account(HSA)

A health savings account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged savings account used to save and pay for qualified medical expenses. HSAs work in conjunction with a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) to offer the following benefits:

  • Tax-deductible contributions
  • Tax-free distributions for qualified medical expenses
  • Unused HSA funds can remain in the HSA year after year
  • HSA funds can be used to pay for the qualified medical expenses of the account owner, his or her spouse, and dependents
To make contributions to an HSA, the account owner must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Is covered under a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)2
  • Is not covered by any other major medical health plan that is not a HDHP
  • Is not enrolled in Medicare
  • Cannot be claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax return
Availability of Funds
Withdrawals are tax free if the funds are used exclusively for paying or reimbursing qualified medical expenses. Qualified expenses are those incurred after the account is opened. Some examples of qualified expenses include doctor visits, prescription drugs, and dental care visits for the account owner, his or her spouse and dependents. Refer to IRS publications 969 and 502 for more information and a complete list of qualified medical expenses.

Contributions2 for the current year can be made until the tax filing deadline of the following year (for example, contributions for 2024 can be made until April 15, 2025). The maximum contribution limits, which are based on the type of coverage, are as follows:

Year Single Coverage Family Coverage
2024 $4,150 $8,300
2025 $4,300 $8,550

Eligible individuals who are age 55 or older can contribute an additional $1,000 to their HSAs. Contribution limits are indexed for inflation and can change annually.

  • Current Interest Rate is 2.50% / 2.53% APY1
  • No minimum balance required to open
  • Dividends compounded daily and paid monthly
  • Special HSA debit card for purchases and ATM usage
  • Accessible via ATM, Press For Info, Press Pass, all SECU branch locations and our 24/7 Member Services
  • Eligible for BillPay transactions
All or any portion of funds withdrawn from an HSA or Archer MSA can be deposited back to an HSA as a rollover contribution according to the following rules. Rollovers are not subject to the annual contribution limits; however, owners can make only one rollover within a 12-month period. To qualify as a rollover and avoid a tax penalty, withdrawn funds must be re-deposited within 60 calendar days.

All or any portions of the funds in an HSA or Archer MSA can be transferred directly to another HSA tax free. Transfers are made from custodian to custodian. Because the account owner never has the funds in his or her possession, an unlimited number of transfers are allowed without a tax penalty.

You can apply for a health savings account online via Press Pass.

For more information, please see the Account Disclosures.

1Quoted rates and annual percentage yields (APY) are subject to change daily.
2An HDHP is a medical insurance plan with an annual minimum deductible for individual/family coverage and a maximum out-of-pocket cap for each type of coverage. The deductible and out-of-pocket cap are subject to change each year. You must meet your deductible before the insurance policy provides coverage except for preventative care. Disclaimer: Our intent is for this information to be correct and accurate; however, the information is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.